The BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Transatlantic Growth (TAG) campaign highlights and celebrates the inspiring stories of businesses from SMEs to MNCs that underpin the transatlantic trade and investment relationship between the UK and the USA, creating growth, prosperity and jobs on both sides of the Atlantic.
Each year the TAG campaign showcases and awards companies that have invested in and grown in the US and the UK.
See what companies we have recognized each year below.
TAG 2024
Transatlantic Growth Awards 2024
The TAG Awards Reception will welcome transatlantic business leaders and senior executives recognized in the TAG tracker who have been growing their business in the UK/US over the past year. We will award a UK and US headquartered company in the following categories; Long-term investment, mid-size companies and SME’s.
Join us on June 6th where we will announce the winners, celebrate with a networking reception
Awards & Networking Reception & Launch of the 2024 Trade Guide
Date: Thursday, June 6th
Time: 6.00 pm – 9:30 pm BST
Location: The Institute of Directors (IoD), 116 Pall Mall, London
The event will welcome transatlantic business leaders and senior executives recognized for the growth and expansion of their business in the UK/US over the past year and we will announce the winners of the following categories;UK Long-Term Investor | US Long-Term Investor | UK Mid-Size Company | US Mid-Size Company | UK SME | US SME
Join these companies and other BAB members for drinks and canapes and network with representatives from our TAG sponsors, HSBC, Delta Airlines & Virgin Atlantic; our TAG partners the Department for Business and Trade and the US Commercial Services Team at the US Embassy, London.
The event will also host the official launch of Finding Your Way: The 2024 Trade and Investment Guide to the US. This comprehensive guide is a point of reference for all those who want to make the step across the Atlantic, as well as supporting the growth of those who have already done so
See all the photos from the 2023 event here >>
Nominate a UK or US Headquartered Company for a Transatlantic Growth Award
If you would like to nominate your organisation, or a client, that has been expanding and/or investing across the Atlantic in the last year then please do contact Entisam Saleh at esaleh@babinc.org.
TAG Tracker
Our 2024 TAG tracker recognises companies that have made transatlantic growth and/or investment in either direction over the past year. Read more about the companies and their investment and expansion plans process and future plans.
Company details will be added soon.
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TAG 2023
TAG Tracker
Our 2023 TAG trackers recognises companies that have made transatlantic growth and/or investment in either direction over the past year. Read more about the companies and their investment and expansion plans process and future plans.
TAG Awards 2023
This year, BritishAmerican Business is recognising two of the biggest transatlantic investment success stories from 2022 with a TAG Award!
Congratulations to Amazon and Pearson for being awarded our 2023 TAG Awards! Learn more about their stories here.
Awards & Networking Reception
Date: Monday, June 12th
Time: 6.30 pm – 9:00 pm BST
Location: London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Square, London
The event welcomed transatlantic business leaders and senior executives recognized in the TAG tracker who have been growing their business in the UK/US over the past year. We heard their stories over drinks and canapes and network with representatives from our TAG sponsors, HSBC, Delta Airlines & Virgin Atlantic; our TAG partners the Department for Business and Trade and the US Commercial Services Team at the US Embassy, London, alongside members from the BAB.
We also awarded one UK and one US headquartered company for their long-term investment in the US and the UK.
See all the photos from the event here >>
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TAG 2022
In 2022 we hosted two virtual roundtables focusing on UK to US growth and US to UK expansion and brought everyone together for an in-person networking celebration in July 2022 in London.
Watch the recordings of our two virtual roundtable direction focused discussions with the 2022 TAG companies.
Transatlantic Growth Roundtable for
UK to US Growth & Investment
Transatlantic Growth Roundtable for
UK to US Growth & Investment
In July 2022 we hosted our TAG networking Reception at Convene in London and welcomed. See all the photos from the event here.

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TAG 2021
In 2021 we hosted two virtual roundtables focusing on UK to US growth and an interview with HSBC about the importance of transatlantic growth and investment.
What the interview with BritishAmerican Business CEO Duncan Edwards, Rachel Shatliff, Managing Director & Head of International Subsidiary Banking, HSBC UK, and Jaron Campbell, Managing Director and US Head of International Subsidiary Banking, HSBC about the importance of the transatlantic relationship to their clients and business, as part of BAB’s Transatlantic Growth Campaign (TAG)
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