The IRA and GDIP: Much more than just a subsidy war

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The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has fired the starting gun on what is likely to be a new era of industrial policy around the green transition. It needs to be set alongside the CHIPS Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law as part of a wider shift in US policy. The IRA has triggered an anxious response from the EU. Although they are often compared at a headline level the two strategies have important structural differences.  


For corporates and investors, the twin engines of decarbonisation and geopolitics and the twin imperatives of technological leadership and technological autonomy will shape the investment and operating landscape for the decade ahead. They are also a unique opportunity for firms to shape a new generation of industrial policy tools.  


Against this backdrop, on Thursday 27th April, Global Counsel will be hosting an expert panel discussion to investigate this new era of industrial trade policy, and its impacts on industry. 


April 27, 2023 01:30 PM BST

More on the US Inflation Reduction
Act and the EU Green Deal
Industrial Plan from Global Counsel: