Meet the Speaker:

Rachael McCann Jones

Solution Advisor, Integrated & Global Solutions, WTW

Rachael is a Solution Advisor and Senior Director in the Integrated and Global Solutions, based out of the WTW Philadelphia office. With over 25 years of professional experience, she has partnered with global organizations to optimize their benefits, total rewards, corporate culture, and employee experience. In recent years, she shifted her focus to the development and implementation of total rewards and wellbeing strategies, with an eye towards the diversity of need in the growingly diverse workforce and how to make these strategies work for both employees and employers. This includes a strong emphasis on wellbeing, equity, the influence of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), as well as legislation and regulatory compliance. Her global role encompasses selling and consulting on a broad suite of services in the health, wealth and career businesses. She has deep expertise in the retail, technology, insurance and financial services industries, yet has worked across all industries.   

Rachael’s professional expertise includes: 

  • Leading global research with total reward leaders in retail – garnering insights into emerging business strategy and the implication to total rewards and a sustainable roadmap  
  • Understanding how DEI intersects with talent management, total rewards and risk mitigation, enabling employers to tailor their benefit offerings to the diverse characteristics of their present and future workforce.  
  • Expertise in health and welfare strategy development, benchmarking, design, vendor management, compliance, due diligence and implementation.  
  • Strategic global benefit design, including minimum standards for benefits for a multi-generational workforce, with mindfulness of broader DEI needs.  
  • Crafting comprehensive global DEI strategies and multi-faceted roadmaps, with careful consideration of the impact of equity-focused legislation and regulations.  
  • Unveiling insights into the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) affecting the workforce, exploring the meaningful ways employers can make a positive impact, and leveraging data analytics and employee communication/education for effective implementation. 

Rachael has contributed to thought leadership in her field. This includes blogs featured on the WTW website’s Insight page, numerous podcast sessions, published articles on topics such as caregiving and SDoH, as well as collaborative contributions to articles focusing on DEI, caregiving and racial health disparities. Rachael holds a B.A. in Psychology from Stonehill College and a M.B.A. from Villanova University.