Matthew Agarwala is an economist interested in wealth-based approaches to measuring and delivering sustainability, wellbeing, and productivity. His research is motivated by the belief that 20th century statistics can’t capture 21st century progress. Matthew leads the Bennett Institute’s Wealth Economy project, which seeks to transform economic measurement to better reflect sustainability, inequality, and human wellbeing.
Matthew regularly consults for governments and scientific organizations on topics of natural capital, ecosystem services, wellbeing, and sustainability. He enjoys working across sectors and disciplines, and his co-authors include ecologists, economists, conservation scientists and practitioners, social anthropologists, civil servants, members of UK Parliament, and Nobel Laureates in peace, medicine, physics, and chemistry. Beyond Cambridge, Matthew enjoys affiliations at the LSE, University of East Anglia (Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment), the University of Exeter and maintains active research networks in Canada, Hong Kong, Germany, USA, Japan, and throughout the UK.