About Us

BritishAmerican Business is the leading transatlantic trade association incorporating the British-American Chamber of Commerce in the US and the American Chamber of Commerce in the UK.

We are committed to strengthening the economic corridor between the United States and the United Kingdom by supporting policies and actions that protect and enhance the environment for transatlantic trade and investment on behalf of our members.

We convene and serve a growing network of companies and business leaders through networking opportunities, bespoke programming and marketing platforms.

We actively promote trade and investment and support those who make the transatlantic corridor part of their business growth ambition.

Core Activities

  • Advocating pro-business policies and regulations.
  • Convening its members for business and professional development opportunities.
  • Promoting trade and investment between the US and the UK.

Our Membership

BAB is network of over 400 companies active in the transatlantic corridor, ranging from household names, mid-sized firms, and those just getting started.

Executives on our distribution lists
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Businesses represented in the UK and US
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Events per year in New York and London
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Does BAB Have Any Political Affiliations?

BAB has no political affiliations. It will endorse or criticize policies on their merits in the interest of the business community we are tasked to represent, regardless of where they originate.

Is BAB a Business or a Charity?

BAB is a US 501(c)6.  It is a not-for-profit members’ association.

Our Events

  • BAB is a pro-business, pro-trade organization which believes in the power of business as a driver of innovation, wealth creation and prosperity and a force for good in the world.
  • BAB believes in free and open markets with low or non-existent tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade.
  • BAB has an active and engaged Policy Committee comprising Government Affairs and Public Policy experts from its membership. BAB Policies and Policy Statements are reviewed by this Committee before publication and distribution.

Our Values

Diversity, Inclusion & Sustainability

BritishAmerican Business strives to be an inclusive and diverse organization. This is reflected in our employment policies and practice and in our content and programming.  In common with our members and the wider transatlantic business community we continue to address the diversity of our Board and Advisory Board.

BAB is committed to minimizing its direct and indirect carbon emissions and to supporting the principles of an environmentally sustainable business through its own behavior and through its programming. BAB has used outside experts to assess its carbon footprint which is modest. The bulk of the emissions are due to air travel between the USA and UK which we deem to be necessary in our role as a champion for transatlantic trade and investment.

Governance & Leadership

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors sets the direction for BritishAmerican Business in the areas of operations, programs, member benefits and policy initiatives.

As corporate leaders and members, they have a keen understanding of the needs of our diverse membership.

Our members range from large multinational organizations to rapid-growth businesses in the technology sector to SMEs seeking global growth.


Alastair Borthwick

Chief Financial Officer

Bank of America


Sean Doyle

Chairman and Chief Executive

British Airways


Sir Alan Parker


Brunswick Group

International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board of BritishAmerican Business plays a unique proactive role in the leadership and direction of our organization. Advisory Board Members are Chairmen/Chairwomen, CEOs, Presidents and Senior Executives as well as Board Members of multinational organizations whose knowledge, influence and contact networks work to the benefit fellow BAB Corporate-level members and their companies, in the US and in the UK.

Their stature, stewardship and influence are evidenced throughout the organization, in their sponsorships, membership referrals and thought leadership.

BAB Executive Team

Duncan Edwards OBE

Chief Executive Officer

+1 212 661 4060

Tamra Eker

Managing Director

+1 212 983 3728

Emanuel Adam

Executive Director and Chief Trade and Policy Officer

+1 (704) 906 0515

Alice Mount

Executive Director, London

+44 (0)20 7290 9873

Annual Report & Financial Statements

Want to learn more about us? Every year BritishAmerican Business publishes its Annual Report which contains more information on our activities across the past year and more details on our financial information.

Click here to read the 2024 Annual Report

Click here to read our 2023-24 Financial Statements

London Office

New York Office

Washington DC Office