BritishAmerican Business Honours António Horta‐Osório, Group Chief Executive, Lloyds Banking Group, and Karen Blackett OBE, UK Country Manager, WPP & Chairwoman, MediaCom UK & Ireland at 16th Annual Corporate Citizenship Awards DinnerJune 4, 2019Read more
BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Launches Policy Agenda for 2019/20 – ‘Time To Act’June 4, 2019Read more
Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Releases Statement in Anticipation of President Trump’s Visit to the UKMay 30, 2019Read more
Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Comments on the Resignation of Prime Minister Theresa MayMay 24, 2019Read more
Emanuel Adam, Director of Policy & Trade, Comments on Delay to US-Imposed Tariffs on Auto ImportsMay 15, 2019Read more
Pioneering Transatlantic Businesses Celebrated at 2nd Annual Transatlantic Growth (TAG) AwardsMay 9, 2019Read more