News from BritishAmerican Business
BritishAmerican Business Statement on Migration Advisory Committee EEA Migration Impact Report 19 September 2018 London/New York – In response to the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) Report on ‘The Impact of EEA migration in the UK’ released 18 September, Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business said: “We welcome the MAC’s final report on EEA migration to…
London As a Global Hub 17 September 2018 Today, BAB London Executive Director Emanuel Adam delivered a presentation to students and colleagues at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business on the city in which the school is located, London, UK. The presentation looked at London’s status as a ‘Global Hub’, and the historic and…
BAB London Executive Director Emanuel Adam Speaks to Grade 11 & 12 Students at The American School in England on ‘The Future of Work’ On Friday 31 August, BAB London Executive Director Emanuel Adam visited The American School in England (TASIS England) to deliver keynote remarks on the Future of Work to students…
BritishAmerican Business hosted half-day Innovation Conference on Reinventing Corporate Success and Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution New York, NY – On June 19, 2018, BritishAmerican Business (BAB) presented its Fourth Annual Innovation Conference in partnership with United Airlines, Vodafone, Dell Technologies, Hearst, Legal & General, AVADO, Farkouh Furman & Faccio, Outstanding Branding and NYU Stern.…
BritishAmerican Business Welcomes US Highschoolers to London Office On Wednesday, 25 July, BritishAmerican Business (BAB) was delighted to be joined at our London offices by a group of 20 high school students on a cultural exchange from the United States. The students attended schools in a range of different cities and states – New York/Connecticut,…
BritishAmerican Business responds to keynote on UK trade by Secretary of State for International Trade, the Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox London – On 18 July 2018, at a speech given at the Royal Society, London, the Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade, the Rt Hon Dr Liam…
BAB Welcomes Fourth Session of the UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group and Second SME Dialogue held in London London – BritishAmerican Business (BAB) welcomes the joint release by the Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade, The Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, and the US Trade Representative,…
On July 13, Duncan Edwards, Chief Executive Officer of BritishAmerican Business, spoke to CGTN America about a potential free trade deal between the U.S. and U.K.
On July 12, Emanuel Adam, Executive Director of BritishAmerican Business, discussed the U.K.’s economic and political relationship with the U.S on CNBC’s Squawk Box.
12 July 2018 BAB welcomes President Trump’s visit to the United Kingdom and calls for the reaffirmation of the strength of the US-UK relationship. New York / London – On 12 – 13 July 2018, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America is visiting the United Kingdom, following the NATO Summit…