Graeme’s immigration expertise covers all aspects of immigration, from companies wishing to obtain a Sponsors Licence to employ foreign nationals, the Points-Based System Tiers 1-5, applications for entrepreneurs and investors, sole representatives and related family applications to foreign businesses opening operations in the UK.
Published in the Who’s Who Legal Corporate Immigration Guide 2018, Graeme is recognised as one of the foremost immigration lawyers of the 43 countries reviewed. He is a Leading Individual in the Legal 500 Directory and in the Chambers directory as one of the leading UK immigration lawyers.
A prolific speaker at conferences and seminars worldwide, Graeme is co-chairman of the IBA Global Immigration Conference in London held every two years since 2003.
Graeme is a member of the Immigration Law Practitioners Association, now Co-Chair of the IBA Global Employment Institute. He is also past President of the Bury St Edmunds Rotary Club and was chairman of the Immigration and Nationality Law Committee of the International Bar Association from 2000-2004.
Areas of Specialism
- Tier 1 (Investor) Category
- Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent)
- Tier 1(General) Representative of Foreign Company
- Tier 2 Skilled Worker Permits
- International Immigration & Visalaw Alliance
- Immigration advice for USAF personnel
- British Citizenship
- Permanent Residence
- Personal Immigration Advice
- Business Immigration Advice