BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Statement on Heathrow Airport Expansion Ruling

27 February 2020

Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352


London – Commenting on the news that the UK Court of Appeals has ruled against the runway expansion at Heathrow Airport, BritishAmerican Business CEO Duncan Edwards said: 

“Despite Heathrow Airport’s plans to build a third runway being set back today, we will continue to engage with the transatlantic business community and with governments on both sides of the Atlantic to increase infrastructure capacity and modernise infrastructure where needed, in an environmentally sustainable way. Expanding Heathrow will be worth tens of billions in GDP and create tens of thousands of jobs across the UK and we hope a way forward on this much-needed large scale project can be found soon. 

“There is no question as to the importance of Heathrow to the United Kingdom, serving 16.4m passengers travelling to/from the US last year, across 74,000+ flights, and the UK remains the most important international market for many US carriers after Canada and Mexico. BritishAmerican Business will work with stakeholders to protect this status in whatever way we can.”


About BritishAmerican Business

BritishAmerican Business is the leading transatlantic trade association created as a result of the merger between the British-American Chamber of Commerce in the US and the American Chamber of Commerce in the UK.

We are committed to strengthening the economic corridor between the United States and the United Kingdom by supporting policies and actions that protect and enhance the environment for transatlantic trade and investment on behalf of our members.

We convene and serve a growing network of companies and business leaders through networking opportunities, bespoke programming and marketing platforms.

We actively promote trade and investment and support those who make the transatlantic corridor part of their business growth ambition.

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