Transatlantic travel is an essential part of trade and investment; it is time to get it started again.
CEO Update – August 2020
Fill out our 1-minute, anonymous survey on transatlantic air travel during COVID-19: click here

Duncan Edwards
Chief Executive Officer
BritishAmerican Business
Approaching five months since the majority of BAB’s members shifted to remote working for most of their office-based people it has been remarkable how the business world has adapted to such a dramatic shift in working behavior. The internet connectivity and the software tools that are used generally and specifically by different industries have been extraordinarily resilient in the face of the kind of stress test that was not conceivable to risk managers. In our own small way at BAB we have shifted our engagement with members from in-person meetings to catch ups on Teams and our convening over breakfast or dinner, to webinars and virtual round tables with speakers and audiences connecting from home.
A lot has been written about the unforeseen positive outcomes from the remote working phenomenon; an end to tiresome commuting, more time with family, better, more regular internal comms, and a removal of distance as a reason for not joining an event or meeting that you would like to be at. We have certainly found that more of the most senior executives have been able to join our programs when they know its just an hour and don’t have to factor in the travel time or whether they are even in the same city or country. It is likely that much of what we are all doing now will become custom and practice when the immediate health crisis is over.
We are taking a break from our events during August but we already have a packed program lined up for the Autumn starting in September which you can see here. In the meantime, please accept our best wishes for a relaxing summer break if you are having one… I think we are going to need all our energy for what is to come!